The NTDP National Combine is a multi-day tryout opportunity and overnight training camp.
This three-day event is operated by current and past USA players and coaches. All participants are required to be USA Lacrosse members and the fee for the event covers housing, meals and apparel.
During the NTDP National Combine, athletes will be taken through elite level training of both individual and team skill development as well as sessions on strength and conditioning, recruitment, student athlete advisory, social emotional learning, and leadership training. Combine players will live, breathe, eat and sleep nothing but USA Lacrosse for three days. The tryout process is built in line with the qualifying steps for the U.S. National Team. As such, the experience will be challenging physically and mentally. Those that participate in the process will better understand the rigors associated with playing at the highest level. They will also receive a first-hand look at how the world’s most elite lacrosse team trains, prepares and operates. Skill development will be a huge focus for this program.
As a team, it is the highest priority for USA Lacrosse to make sure participants have a great experience, learn, have fun, and walk away with a better understanding of the U.S. National Team culture and what it takes to compete at the highest level. Our hope with this program is to provide greater connectivity between the next generation of athletes and the sport’s highest honor. Additionally, we aim to further develop elite athletes at a young age - preparing them for the next step in international competition.
The U.S. NTDP National Combine is INVITE ONLY. All participants must either try out at a regional tryout or via the virtual portal.
Past Combine Participants
- Not held due to COVID-19 pandemic