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Health & Safety
| Mar 07, 2023

Nutrition: Do You Know the Latest Guidance on Protein for Young Athletes

By TrueSport | Photo by Shutterstock

The following article is part of a content partnership with TrueSport, a positive youth sports movement powered by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA). TrueSport has partnered with more than 20 sport NGBs to promote a positive culture of youth sport with expert content and programming.

You've probably heard how important protein is for athletes. But how much do you really need, when do you need it, and how is it actually helping you?

TrueSport Expert Stephanie Miezin, a registered dietitian and board-certified specialist in sports dietetics, explains the latest research around protein intake for young athletes, and offers some practical tips to make sure that you're getting the protein you need, at the right time.

Why Do Athletes Need Protein?

Protein is the macronutrient most responsible for muscle recovery as well as muscle growth, both of which are critically important for any athlete, but especially young athletes who are still developing in terms of both bone and muscle growth.

Is Protein the Most Important Macronutrient for Athletes?

Protein is important, but so are carbohydrates and fat. “In recent years, people have talked about protein for athletes as though it's the most important, or the only, macronutrient that an athlete needs,” Miezin said. “Carbohydrates are what fuels your workouts, so they should also be prioritized.”

How Much Protein Do Young Athletes Need?

“For every pound of body weight, a young athlete should be eating about .7 grams of protein,” Miezin said. So, if an athlete weighs 100 pounds, that means they should be eating 70 grams of protein per day, while a 150-pound athlete would need 105 grams per day. While there are many factors that influence protein needs for each athlete, this is a good guideline to follow.

Is Protein Intake the Only Metric That Matters in Sports Nutrition?

“Absolutely not,” Miezin says. “If you're not meeting your energy needs overall by taking in enough calories in total, having plenty of protein still won't help your body recover.”

Unfortunately, research has shown that low energy availability in adolescent athletes who are in the midst of heavy training is common. That low energy availability can lead to issues like delayed puberty, menstrual irregularities, poor bone health, the development of disordered eating behaviors, and an increased risk of injury. In the case of low energy availability, the protein will actually be converted for energy in the same way carbohydrates are used by the body, and that means you won't be using protein for repair or muscle building.

When Should an Athlete Take in Protein?

Ideally, protein intake is spread throughout the day. “We know that overall daily protein is the most important thing, but the second most important thing is protein timing, which helps to optimize how the protein is used,” Miezin said. “Split up protein as evenly as possible throughout the day. If you're eating four to five meals and snacks throughout the day, it's going to be easier to meet those protein needs.”

What Does a 'Good Protein' Day Look Like?

If you're aiming for 70 grams of protein per day, three meals with 20 grams of protein and a 10-gram protein snack will get you there. “If you have breakfast that includes a cup of Greek yogurt, that's going to give you 20 grams of protein,” Miezin said. “Then, at lunch, a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread will give you roughly 20 grams. Three ounces of fish or red meat at dinner will give you another 20 grams. Whenever you need a snack, try to work in another 10 grams of protein, maybe with a cheese stick and some trail mix, or a bowl of cottage cheese.” There are also options for vegan athletes.  we have some advice for you regarding protein options here.)

What Should a Young Athlete Eat Post-Workout?

The ultimate post-workout snack is primarily made up of carbohydrates to restore your muscle glycogen, along with some protein to help with muscle repair and rebuilding. This could look like that turkey sandwich with whole wheat bread, or even a bottle of chocolate milk.

Should a Young Athlete Be Using Protein Shakes?

As a rule, skip the powders and shakes and stick to whole food sources of protein; you'll enjoy your food more and you'll avoid potential contaminants or digestive issues. “Protein powders and shakes are supplements, and we know that these shouldn't be used in place of whole foods,” Miezin said. “While a lot of the initial research on protein and recovery was done with protein powders, we now know that whole foods like yogurt, eggs, and milk are just as effective at promoting muscle recovery. So there is no reason to think that having an actual meal won't be effective.”

What if I Miss Protein Post-Workout?

Skipping the occasional post-workout snack is okay, but try not to make it a habit, especially if you're doing two-a-day practices. If you do miss it, though, don't panic. “Many people think that the window to have your protein post-workout opens and then slams shut in terms of recovery, and if you miss it, you're in trouble,” Miezin said. “But that's not how it works. It's just that muscles are most receptive to nutrients coming in right after your exercise, so it's ideal to have a protein-packed snack then if possible. We can optimize recovery and refueling by having our protein and carbohydrate-based meal as close to the end of training as possible.”

I'm Training More This Year, So Do I Need More Protein?

Actually, you don't. As long as you're eating that .7 grams of protein per pound of body weight, you're likely getting plenty of protein. Any extra protein will simply be converted to fuel for your muscles, similar to how carbohydrates are used. “If we only focus on protein and try to get more and more, we're missing the whole picture because total energy intake from a variety of macronutrients is so important,” Miezin said “We have to be getting enough calories (energy), from our other foods in order to really maximize the effects of protein.”


While protein is extremely important for young athletes, it’s important to remember that carbohydrates and fats are equally important. Athletes generally need about .7 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight daily, and this should be spread throughout the day. Make sure you're taking in a post-workout protein source, like Greek yogurt or chicken, and focusing on whole food sources of protein versus supplements.

About TrueSport

TrueSport®, a movement powered by the experience and values of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, champions the positive values and life lessons learned through youth sport. TrueSport inspires athletes, coaches, parents, and administrators to change the culture of youth sport through active engagement and thoughtful curriculum based on cornerstone lessons of sportsmanship, character-building, and clean and healthy performance, while also creating leaders across communities through sport. For more expert-driven articles and materials, visit TrueSport’s comprehensive LEARN resource.