USA Lacrosse has released a new rules interpretation document that highlights the primary changes and updates in the 2025 girls’ youth rules.
The PDF document, available here as a free download, also explains the points of emphasis for the 2025 season. These include:
- Sportsmanship, based on a respect for the rules and for one’s opponent.
- Stick to Body Contact, emphasizing legal and safe use of the crosse.
- Managing Safe Play in the 8-Meter Arc
- Professionalism, by all game participants
The Rules Interpretation document also highlights and clarifies rule changes and editorial adjustments. Intended to serve as an educational supplement to facilitate understanding of the 2025 girls’ youth lacrosse rules, the Rules Interp is not intended as a substitute for reading and studying the official rulebook.
Additional rules resources are also available on the USA Lacrosse website, including rules comparison charts, uniform guidelines, FAQs, and youth lacrosse guidebooks. These resources can be accessed at
USA Lacrosse works collaboratively with the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) and the NCAA to write the rules for lacrosse, and the organizations often work together on rule development and player safety efforts.