Q: When will this new CDP certification model take effect?
A: Jan. 1, 2024
Q: What is the difference with this model compared to the previous model?
A: Beginning in 2024, the CDP certification model will have 4 tiers: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum.
Q: What if I’m already Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 certified? Will I have to pay additional fees to maintain Silver, Gold and Platinum certification on January 1?
A: No. All current Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 coaches will be automatically transferred to the corresponding Silver, Gold and Platinum levels at no additional charge. However, Level 1-3 coaches must still fulfill the 2024 Bronze course requirements to be fully certified.
Q: Is this new coach certification program more expensive than previous models?
A: No. Each learning pathway (Silver, Gold & Platinum) only costs $35. Previously Level 2 (Gold) was $50 and Level 3 (Platinum) was $75. These prices have been reduced to streamline the CDP learning pathways while additionally bringing more value and opportunities to certified coaches.
Q: What is now required to earn a Bronze coach certification?
A: A Bronze certification is included with membership and still requires the Abuse Prevention course and Background Check like the previous coach membership requirement. On January 1, 2024 all Bronze certified coaches will also need to complete a cardiac, concussion and cultural competency course in addition to a brief rules test.
Q: Will there be other education opportunities on the USA Lacrosse platform?
A: Yes there are two other opportunities for continuing coach education.
There will be live interactive Zoom sessions beginning in January 2024. These courses are not connected to certification levels but provide in-depth training opportunities with USAL trainers and expert coaches. Each session will have limited seats to allow for productive Q&A sessions. More information and the schedule of these training sessions will be communicated once available.
Additionally, the USA Lacrosse Regional Academy program will provide intimate in-person education opportunities with top level collegiate coaches throughout the year. Stay tuned for regional academy location announcements .