It is mandatory for all to be Bronze certified through the USA Lacrosse Coaching Development Program.
- Communicate that all coaches must complete USA Lacrosse Bronze Certification. Bronze certification requirements:
- Background check through NCSI (good for two years)
- Abuse Prevention course (good for two years)
- Cultural Competency course (one and done – take it once and it's good forever)
- CDC Concussion Education course (take it as often as the coach's program or state requires – some states require it be taken every year, some every three years)
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest course (same as Concussion Ed)
- Annual rules test (15 question basic rules test for the game that they coach – boys or girls – taken every year.)
- Ensure that individual program’s timelines for identifying coaches allows enough time prior to season start that every coach can make plans to complete the online Bronze certification courses. Communicate that coaches may not participate in any events, practices, or meetings until they have fully completed the Bronze certification courses.
- Develop Coach Certification policy to include formal written procedure for verifying and tracking the USA Lacrosse Certifications at both the member organization and league level.
- Use the Roster Managment Tool to view coaches’ training progress and certifications.
- Provide guidance and the progression that should be followed to prepare for game play.
- Mobile Coach - encourage use of the Mobile Coach app as a resource for new and returning coaches
Additional Actions
- Encourage your coaches to continue their coaching education beyond the Bronze Certification. Many leagues require the Silver certification for head coaches.
- Before “hiring” a coach, it is strongly recommended that programs have a formal application process, interview process and reference check of prior coaching positions.