Get Your Head Right
A good salesperson has confidence — even for moonshot deals. Heningburg wants young players to go into this move with the same mentality.
“You have to have the mentality that you are going to beat the player in front of you,” Heningburg said. “If you go into your dodge and you are just worried about what is going to happen after you get your feet moving, you’re most likely not going to sell your defender.”
Step One
The first order of business is to take a step in the direction you intend to go.
Young players commonly take too wide of a step or go too far in front.
“If you step with your right foot wide and go to jab with your left foot, there’s too much space in between your feet where you can’t move right to left,” Heningburg said. “Same thing if you go forward. Your leg is going to bend straight and not in that angled lunge position.”
Exactly how far to step will depend on your body and the game situation. But ultimately, “It has to be enough in front of you that you are gaining ground but not too far in front of you that you can’t get onto that other leg successfully,” Heningburg said.
Step Two
The first step is all about setting up for the second step, which involves going in the opposite direction you intend to go. You’re trying to sell the defender that you’re about to bolt down the ally.
“If you are using topside and you are attacking at your defender, you would step hard with your right foot and step even harder with your left foot to sell like you are going to take that ally,” Heningburg said. “That allows you to explode off that left foot. It’s really a cut. That propels you topside.”
After the Defender Bites
If the defender bites like you thought they would, plan A is to score a goal.
“If you get to the middle of the field, hands-free, you want to shoot it…the defender comes off the drift, sail forward,” Heningburg said. “If you get to the middle of the field and they slide through the crease, look to bang it through those pipes.”