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July 7th

After settling in and getting some well-needed ZZZ’s, today was our first test against an opponent while being overseas. All of our training has lead up to this point and I cannot believe it is finally here – the tournament we have all been working so hard for is upon us.

We had the opportunity to compete against Scotland, where we broke into offensive and defensive 7 on 7’s along with a 30-minute full field scrimmage. The main focus heading into the scrimmage was on growing and getting better as a team in all areas. Offensively and defensively it was a chance to FINALLY play against someone other than ourselves. We hustled and worked hard in every moment and gave our all to the point where Tumi got caught with a rebounded kick save to the face off a shot from Ally Carey – a river of blood followed. She returned moments later as if nothing happened, the same competitive give your all attitude that she always has. The Scotland team was quick, athletic and gritty in all areas, they really made us work hard from end to end. They challenged us on all 50-50 balls, especially the draw controls, and really made it a battle. This scrimmage was a great opportunity for both teams to get the nerves out before the start of the tournament, and it made us all so excited for opening day.

After our mini scrimmage and 7 on 7’s Jay helped us cool down and make sure we were doing the things necessary to fully recover, including a surprise ice bath. The ice bath was FREEZING and for most of us, it felt like time was moving backwards.

After, we all gathered for a team meeting to go over the good, the bad and the ugly from competing. We embraced every moment, high and low and took the “good” away from each, knowing well it will only help as grow as a team in this tournament. This scrimmage was the first step in helping us to improve individually and collectively to propel us towards reaching our goal. 

July 8th

Today was the day that the wizards and witches of the National team have all been waiting for, a tour of the making of the Harry Potter at Warner Brother’s Studio. The majority of the team and staff had seen the movies, but some muggles (non magic folk) were clueless of the magical cinema.

The most excited teammate, beside myself, to tour the magical world of Harry Potter had to be our own Mary Potter, also known as Kayla. She couldn’t contain her excitement! We were all in awe while seeing the exact sets all of the Harry Potter movies were filmed at and the intricate detail in every setting. The most amazing part of the entire tour was how different everything was perceived in the film. The tricks and techniques used to elude the mind of the audience came to life before our eyes. One thing that surprised me the most was how all of the movies made each room look massive in size, but in reality they were rather small, but full of immense detail. While touring, we saw the actual costumes that the characters wore, from Harry’s first robe to his last and everyone in-between. One of the most fascinating experiences for me was seeing the behind the scenes action of the quidditch and flying scenes. It was mind-blowing to see how they actually made someone fly and everything that went in the process of doing so. My favorite part of the tour was being able to see Hogwarts. It was an exact replica in front of our eyes. The detail was incredible and on top of that, there were tablets on the side explaining how they made certain scenes of the film – mostly with green screen technology. It was truly a magical day.

The best part about group activities is the time spent with everyone off the field. The relationships we create in our free time, not playing lacrosse is such an important part growing as a team. This is a very special group, and I am humbled and honored to be on this journey with these amazing women. 

Throughout the entire tour I could not help but think of all the members of the film, from cast to crew, and how much time and effort each individual person had to put in to make Harry Potter what it has become today. And as I sit here and write this, I am reflecting back on our journey as a team and all of the sacrifices we have made to get where we are today, all of the hours of training, the games, the practices…I could go on forever! We have worked so hard over the last four years with one mutual goal in mind-- for this exact moment in time– the 2017 World Cup.

– Megan Douty
(Twitter: @mjdouty5, Instagram: @megdouty5)

Player Profile


Years with the U.S. Program: 3
U.S. Senior World Cup Teams: 2017
Position: Defense
College: Maryland 2015
Honors: IWLCA Defender of the Year (2014), All-American (2014, 2015), Big Ten Defender of the Year (2015), ACC Defender of the Year (2014)
Hometown: Fair Haven, N.J.
Current Residence: Fair Haven, N.J.
Current Career: Coach and personal trainer

What does playing for Team USA mean to you?

I am humbled and honored to represent our country and play the sport I love. It is a dream come true.

What is your go-to pregame meal?

I don't have a specific pre game meal, but I always drink AdovCare's Spark before warm ups, to get me mentally focused.

What is the most adventurous thing you've ever done?

Mountain biking in Sedona National Park as 10 year old. What was supposed to be a 1.5 hour cruise, turned into a four hour adventure.

What is something most people don't know about you?

I have a twin brother.

Was there ever a time you doubted yourself? How did you persevere and overcome the challenge?

Going into my freshman year in college. I wouldn't say I doubted myself perse, but I was unsure and nervous of the outcome of the year. I prepared the summer prior to school with everything I could control, my fitness, stick skills etc. This helped me be as successful as I could be.

Is there one person who helped you the most to get you where you are today?

I would say my parents. I would like to thank them for giving me all of the opportunities I had in my childhood. They allowed me to make my own decisions and push myself throughout my entire sports career.

What is the best advice you've ever received from a coach.

"Why run slow, when you can run fast?" from my college coach Cathy Reese. My favorite quote because Cathy makes lacrosse so simple.

What other sports did you play in high school?

Soccer and ice hockey.

Follow the U.S. women's national team as it competes for gold in the 2017 Federation of International Lacrosse Women's World Cup in Guildford, England, and the 2017 IWGA World Games in Wroclaw, Poland. This "Mission Log" will continue throughout both events with each player providing insight on their journey.