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I cannot believe this day has finally come! It’s strange to think about the past four years because when looking back they feel as though they’ve flown by, but when breaking down our weekends together, the days were long, practices were hard, and mentally exhausting. This month in particular leading up to the World Cup has inched. I have felt nerves, excitement, and anxiousness — the whole roller coaster of feelings. I think this is because when I actually think about everything I have put into this, everything my teammates have sacrificed, everything past players have done, it truly is just that —an overwhelming sense of pride, passion, and emotion.

So then I wake up on July 5 and the day is finally here. We arrive at the airport and are all together for the first time since Memorial Day Weekend. It's bittersweet to leave our homes and families, but we're ready to take on this trip.

As we meet with our coaching staff in the airport terminal, they express the importance of connecting past teammates to our present 2017 World Cup team. I feel this strong theme throughout this journey — we are not alone. In anything we do, on and off the field, we have teammates, coaches, alumni who have our back. People who have been in our shoes, who have won the gold, who have worked hard to challenge us, all of these individuals are a part of this. Having this deep connection with past alumni we’ve never even met is truly special. It gives a lot of meaning to “playing for something bigger than yourself” and explains the immense emotion behind what it means to play for Team USA.

We then board the plane and after a few movies —with me personally sleeping the whole time) —we wake up on a new day and in England! Sun is shining and we head into Oxford for lunch and a tour. Touring Oxford is incredible, considering everything has such a rich history. The intricate architecture and old pubs were fascinating. We eat lunch and head to Bisham Abbey.

We have a decently quick turnaround at Bisham Abbey. Jen Russell and I get very comfortable in our touching twin beads. Setting our massive luggage along the floor and brushing our teeth for the first time at 5 p.m. We quickly change and head out to practice. Energy feels great, spirit and chatter is high, and our first practice is a very good start. Tonight, I imagined we would all call it early, but of course leave it up to Alice and Kayla to start an MTV cribs of the dorm rooms. Watch out for everyone’s unique episode on their snaps (definitely worth it).

After winding down and getting comfy we will be rested, ready to wake up tomorrow, and continue to compete. Continuing to strive to make ourselves better, focus on us, be present, and make past and present U.S. lacrosse players proud.

When I look back and think about every tryout, every training weekend, every time our coaches had the hardest decision to make cuts, I know we have all have an amazing opportunity ahead —and we are ready to take it.

– Alex Aust 
(Twitter: @aaust10, Instagram: @alexaust_)

Player Profile


Years with the U.S. Program: 4
U.S. Senior World Cup Teams: 2017
Position: Attack
College: Maryland 2013
Honors: Tewaaraton finalist (2013), IWLCA Attacker of the Year (2013), All-American (2012, 2013) 
Hometown: Sterling, Va.
Current Residence: Baltimore
Current Career: Director of Finish Line Lacrosse

What does playing for Team USA mean to you?

It means playing for something so much bigger than yourself. Playing for my country, representing my country, is so humbling and something I will cherish forever.

What was your youth lacrosse experience like?

I was a foreigner to the sport. No one in my family played. I was a basketball player with a stick. I absolutely fell in love with how fast the game is. I remember just getting so frustrated that I couldn't catch or throw as good as the other girls so I made my sister partner pass with me every day in our backyard. It would always end with one of us running inside crying from hitting each other by trying behind the back or stick tricks.

Who is your favorite lacrosse player?

Caitlyn McFadden or Katie Schwarzmann. They are SO fun to play with and complete beasts top to bottom all over the field. They're creative and have a sneaky way of taking over a game.

What is something most people don't know about you?

My sister and I are second degree black belts and used to travel the country for Karate tournaments.

Was there ever a time you doubted yourself? How did you persevere and overcome the challenge?

Absolutely. Many times. I doubted myself that I was not good enough to play at Maryland. I overcame this challenge by my incredible support system. My coaches, parents, siblings, friends, teammates. Everyone believed in me. I just needed to believe in myself.

What is the most adventurous thing you've ever done?

Open swam with 30 sharks in Hawaii.

What other sports did you play in high school?

Basketball and field hockey.

What advice would you give young players who dream to reach your level?

Train hard and HAVE FUN! You play lacrosse because it is fun to compete and play with your friends. Do not get too caught up in the pressure. Compete because its what you love to do!

Follow the U.S. women's national team as it competes for gold in the 2017 Federation of International Lacrosse Women's World Cup in Guildford, England, and the 2017 IWGA World Games in Wroclaw, Poland. This "Mission Log" will continue throughout both events with each player providing insight on their journey.