“What was really neat was the different waves of club teams, college coaches and supporters of lacrosse that kept coming,” Carr said. “It was exciting to feel.”
That was the capstone to a jam-packed two days at Disney where the team practiced and roamed the complex just like their admirers.
“This one girl was tearing up because Marie McCool was coming towards her,” Carey said. “Poor Taylor Cummings couldn’t go get dinner because everyone was stopping her for pictures. Everybody had Kylie Ohlmiller eye black on.”
Carr saw the same thing, with a girl welling up as she met U.S. newcomer Sam Apuzzo in the autograph line.
“It’s moments like that when you realize how big of an influence you have on this game,” Carr said. “It’s never neutral.”
A great idea by Levy that deepened the connection was having the U.S. players serve as guest coaches during an hour block of the regular club team games on Saturday morning.
“That got us into the thick of everything,” Carey said.
Both Carey and Carr did some teaching, but got to know some of the personal stories and challenges of the younger players.
“It was one of my favorite parts of the entire weekend,” Carr said. “You got to put yourself a little bit in their shoes. I know we were supposed to inspire them, but I left super inspired.”