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Taylor Cummings is a three-time Tewaaraton Award winner, a member of the U.S. women’s national team, the inaugural Athletes Unlimited Lacrosse champion and the head coach at McDonogh (Md.). “Taylor’s Takes” is presented by Gait Lacrosse. Be legendary.

The nation’s top two teams — Boston College and North Carolina — faced off Sunday, and the game lived up to every ounce of the hype it received.

The afternoon felt like a rollercoaster ride in more ways than one but ended with UNC hanging on for a 16-15 ACC win at BC’s Alumni Stadium in front of almost 6,000 screaming fans. Many writers, fans and Twitter users went back and forth in the days leading up to the matchup about which team would prevail, what would make the difference and who would need to step up to seal the victory. Common themes surrounding goalkeeping, offensive star power, draw controls and the consistency of the team as a whole came up time and again in discussions and articles.

Now that the game is over and the Tar Heels finished on top, it’s time to analyze where each team succeeded and where there are areas to improve for both programs as they move forward. One thing is for certain, though — the lacrosse community is definitely hoping for another rendition of BC-UNC in postseason play because that game was sure fun to watch.

Who won the draw control battle? No one.

Draws were even at 18 apiece in this game, but the timing of the draw wins ultimately contributed to the runs each team went on throughout the game. In the second quarter, UNC won four of the five draws and went on a four-goal run to close the half. Similarly, in their comeback efforts, the Eagles won five of seven draws in the fourth quarter to cut the Tar Heels’ lead to one goal. When you’re able to play almost a “make it, take it” style at the center circle, it often leads to offensive success and a rested defense.

The battle of centers was also interesting in this game. Charlotte North took all the draws for the Eagles, while the Tar Heels rotated between Ally Mastroianni and Olivia Dirks. By using two centers, UNC was often able to counter North’s self-draw and keep her out of rhythm from finding the ball in the air cleanly, but the pairing of North and Hollie Schleicher were still able to secure 13 off the ground alone. Mastroianni and Dirks combined for 10 of 18 draws for UNC.

Who won the games within the game — Jamie Ortega-v-Sydney Scales and Charlotte North-v-Emma Trenchard? All did.

Big games often lead to big-time performances from top players, both offensive weapons and defensive studs. In this 1-v-2 matchup, leaders on both ends of the field for each team stepped up when called upon and threw some punches as well as they took them.

When looking at the stat sheet, one would see that BC’s Scales shut down UNC’s Ortega relatively well production-wise, limiting her to one goal and two assists thanks to her superb footwork and unrelenting pressure. Ortega had moments of brilliance, though, and the timing of some of her goals and assists came at key moments.

Similarly, UNC’s Trenchard did well at limiting North’s offensive numbers, particularly in the first half. She was able to force low-angle shots with great on-ball pressure. But just like Ortega, North made her presence known when the game was on the line late in the fourth quarter. She, too, made some key shots in key moments.

In my opinion, all four players did their jobs extremely well and made each other work hard in every single moment of the game.

Who shined in goalie world? Moreno more so than Hall.

Rachel Hall and Taylor Moreno are two world-class goalies who bring a spark to their respective teams. Hall dominated last year’s final four matchup against the Tar Heels, but it was Moreno who shined in the most recent game, in my opinion. She made more key stops in critical moments than Hall (six saves to Hall’s five) and even took a Charlotte North eight-meter off the face with ease. To her credit, Hall had some solid stops of her own, but she did not produce the caliber of performance she had last May.

Which offensive unit showed up more? UNC’s did.

Often in big games, the outcome is not determined by one or two star players, but by the rest of the team. In Sunday’s game, while North and Ortega were held relatively in check, it was the rest of the offensive units for both UNC and BC that stepped up.

Boston College had seven offensive contributors, while UNC had nine. In my opinion, it was UNC that did the better job of sharing the ball, incorporating all offensive weapons and placing players in positions to succeed. Andie Aldave was magical in the eight-meter as she timed cuts beautifully, while Sam Geiersbach used sneaky roll dodges to dismantle the BC defense. Other threats in Scottie Rose Growney, Elizabeth Hillman, Caitlyn Wurzburger, Nicole Humphrey, Dirks and Mastroianni made them difficult to stop.

What needs to improve for both teams?

UNC’s biggest issue was in the turnover department. The Tar Heels had 12 turnovers compared to BC’s six, and in a game that is so tight, those extra few possessions could have been parlayed into a larger lead for the Heels.

BC generated more shots on Sunday (36-30), but the shot selection wasn’t always the best. Offensive players sometimes found themselves at wide angles or getting crashed on in the eight-meter and decided to shoot anyway, leading to saves or UNC run outs on the end line. If the Eagles firm up on shot selection, they’ll be an even more potent offensive threat.


1. North Carolina
2. Boston College
3. Maryland
4. Syracuse
5. Northwestern
6. Loyola
7. Duke
8. Stony Brook
9. Denver
10. Princeton