BRODY: What is it like being a coach and also a teacher in the school?
BRIAN: It’s very rewarding to see our guys and develop relationships with them off the field and help them in the classroom. The lacrosse aspect is just a nice bonus.
BRODY: What gets your team hyped up before games?
BRIAN: I’m not the most rah-rah speech guy. For me, I’m big into Disney and that type of music, so I’m very sentimental with those types of songs. I don’t think they relate to our high school kids. I’m not the most hip guy with the music.
BRODY: How do you think lacrosse would be in the Olympics?
BRIAN: I’m hoping it takes off. With the new Sixes format, it’s very fast-paced and looks similar to a basketball-type game. When I watch the Winter Olympics, I love curling, and I’ve never played it before or know all the rules. But whenever it’s on, I seem to watch it. Hopefully that’s what lacrosse does and catches that random fan’s attention.
BRODY: What is your favorite food?
BRIAN: With the Thanksgiving holiday, it’s very exciting to have an excuse to eat our faces off. I think turkey is the most overrated thing at Thanksgiving.
BRIAN: But stuffing, mashed potatoes and my favorite, green bean casserole — that’s the hidden gem. I’m in charge of making that, so obviously it’s the best thing on the menu.
BRODY: What’s it like being a parent?
BRIAN: My daughter is 16 months old. She calls lacrosse ‘crosse’ and grabs her mini stick. I think, as of right now, she’s got some good genes. She knows how to run around and pick up a ball already. If she ever decides to be a goalie, I’ll teach her a few things.
BRODY: Do you have a hobby?
BRIAN: Now that I’m a dad, my hobbies have dwindled away. Teaching history is a hobby of mine. We watched “Hamilton” for U.S. History today to go over the debate between Jefferson and Hamilton. I used to be a big PlayStation guy. I used to have a massive collection of Beanie Babies back in the day.