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We all know what an important role coaches play in the development of athletes. Coaches teach, motivate and encourage kids to be their best selves — not just as athletes. That said, there are often obstacles that prevent athletes from receiving optimal coaching. This includes:

  • Geographical constraints that prevent athletes from having physical access to top-tier coaches

  • Monetary constraints and high costs associated with 1-on-1 lessons

  • Time constraints from coaches who are tied up with their teams. Coaches don’t have unlimited time, so athletes seeking training may not get the personal 1-on-1 attention they need to improve.

An emerging trend that complements an athlete’s primary coach is online video coaching. There’s no replacing your primary coach, but there are great ways to complement the way athletes learn by giving them accessible tools with which to train.

Video coaching allows athletes to access the top coaches in the sport regardless of where they live. It also allows athletes to go back and rewatch what they were taught. One of the hardest things about personal coaching is that you don’t have anything to fall back on if you forget the specifics of your lesson. Video analysis allows the athlete to go back and refer to the valuable instruction at any time. Video analysis also allows athletes and coaches to easily see how they are improving over time by referencing specific points of change and improvement. This type of positive reinforcement is important in keeping young athletes motivated.

Reevuu allows athletes to submit a video to the platform and then matches the athletes to the top five coaches best suited for their needs. The athlete then selects the coach they want to review their video. Using the technology Reevuu has developed, coaches are able to watch the video, break it down and provide feedback on how the athlete can improve their game, all from within the app. The coaches mark the video with drawing and annotation tools to call out certain coachable moments, and they can leave voice comments over the video to let the athlete know exactly how he or she can improve. Reevuu brings expert coaching from U.S. national team players, Division I college coaches, and professional lacrosse players to your fingertips.

“Reevuu is an excellent platform that allows players to access some of the best coaches in the country with the click of a button,” Dylan Maltz, a member of the Premier Lacrosse League’s Whipsnakes LC and a Reevuu coach, said. “Online coaching is a huge tool for kids to use to really elevate their game to the next level as they can rewatch their video analysis to make sure they are continually improving!”