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This story first appeared on The Hidden Opponent and is being republished with permission. The author, Olivia Duarte, played four seasons at Colgate and is now a fifth-year student at Lindenwood. This story was edited by The Hidden Opponent editor in chief Leeann Passaro.

My name is Olivia Duarte, and for as long as I can remember, I have loved the game of lacrosse. The first semester of my senior year in college, that changed. I spent hours on the phone with my mom telling her I hated lacrosse and wanted to quit. 

My mom being the incredible person she is knew this didn’t sound like the healthiest version of me. It was my depression talking … more like it was my depression screaming. My life became an all-consuming feeling of anxiety and depression. The simple act of getting out of bed was harder some days than a full practice. 

I was at a place where my depression became all that I was. The sport I once loved became something I couldn’t bear to think about, and that was a terrifying thing. 

Being an athlete, I was paralyzed by the thought of coming forward. My biggest fear was being seen as weak or as an athlete who wasn’t mentally tough … as someone who was not cut out for the pressures of a high-level competitive environment. 

This fear took precedence over my well-being and consumed my life. I would have rather suffered in silence than be honest about the state of my mental health. I got to the point where I couldn’t even imagine getting back on the field. I wanted something to happen so I wouldn’t have to make a choice. 

This is when I started to tell people: my coach, my academic advisor, my teammates. With each person I told, a small portion of the weight I was feeling was lifted from my shoulders. I took a mental health leave from lacrosse. I went home and took my classes remotely. 

I removed myself from a toxic environment where I felt as though being depressed and anxious was a serious deficiency. It was an unacceptable sign of weakness. While I was home, I continued therapy, talked to a sports psychologist and began the process of healing. 

I returned in my spring semester ready to go. I got on the field and fell in love with my sport again. I found success in a new position and cried when our last game ended. I’m taking my fifth year at Lindenwood University, and I could not be more excited or more ready. 

I fell back in love with lacrosse because I found the space to heal my mind first. I spoke up, which I know firsthand is so difficult to do.

I just hope my story helps someone in need.