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Boston, MA, April 24, 2019 - MLL has just concluded the Player Relocation via conference call. Fifty players have been relocated. All players who were on a preseason active roster (PSAR) for Charlotte, Florida or Ohio were available for selection. 

Here are selections by team, sorted alphabetically:

Atlanta Blaze

Sid Ewell, Defense
Freddy Freibott, LSM
David Manning, Defense
Christian Mazzone, Midfield
Carlson Milikin, Midfield
William Nowesnick, Defense
Ben Williams, Midfield/FO

Boston Cannons

Brendan Bomberry, Attack
Martin Bowes, Midfield
Dominick Calisto, Defense
Shane Doss, Goalie
Shawn Evans, Attack
Charlie Ford, Defense
Gregory Galligan, SSDM
Scott Hooper, Defense
P.T. Ricci, LSM
Mike Skudin, Defense
Jake Withers, Midfield

Chesapeake Bayhawks

Jason Alessi, Midfield
Zac Davliakos, LSM
Thomas Hoggarth, Midfield
Anthony Joaquim, SSDM
Tate Jozokos, Midfield
Cameron Mann, Midfield
Nick Mariano, Midfield
Kenny Massa, Midfield/FO
Shane Morrell, Attack
Adam Osika, Midfield
David Plumer, SSDM
Colton Watkinson, Midfield

Dallas Rattlers

Ryan Beville, Midfield
Greg Danseglio, Defense
Derek DeJoe, Midfield
Casey Dowd, Midfield/FO
Ryan Keenan, Midfield
Robert Maddux, Attack
Bryce Wasserman, Attack
Greg Weyl, Defense

Denver Outlaws

Dylan Alderman, Midfield
Tim Barber, Midfield
John Haus, Midfield
Sean Lawton, Midfield
Ryan Lee, Attack
Andrew Newbold, Defense
Hunter Schmell, SSDM
Taylor Stuart, LSM

New York Lizards

Michael Begley, Midfield
Scott Bieda, Attack
Alex Corpolongo, Midfield
Kevin Crowley, Midfield
Austin Kaut, Goalie
Greg Puskuldjian, Midfield/FO
Noah Rak, Midfield/FO
Ben Randall, Defense
Ryan Walsh, Attack

Players who were on a PSAR for Charlotte, Florida or Ohio, but were not selected today, will move into the MLL player pool. They will be available to be picked up by a team before the first of two training camps. MLL will not enforce a 40-man capped PSAR for the first of the two training camps. After the first training camp, all PSARs will return to a maximum 40-man roster for their second training camp. MLL training camps will occur the weekends of May 10-12, May 17-18 and May 24-26.