When did you start playing lacrosse?
At age 5 at Parkville Rec. Apparently, I had a lot of energy, along with my brothers, when I was younger and my parents needed us to burn it up, so they signed us up to play different sports, lacrosse being one of them. I remember learning the basics of lacrosse from my rec coach, Mrs. Jayne. She is great with kids and always had a way to keep it fun while learning the essence of being a good player.
What other sports did you play in high school?
Soccer and basketball.
If you could have one song played after every time you score or make a big play, what would it be?
"The Show Goes On" by Lupe Fiasco.
What is your go-to pregame meal?
Almond butter with banana on toast.
What's one thing that always puts you in a good mood?
Yoga! Namaste.
What is something that most people don't know about you?
I have played semiprofessional in two different sports. This past summer, I played lacrosse for the Baltimore Ride, and in the summer of 2010, I played soccer for the Chesapeake Charge.
Was there ever a time you doubted yourself?
I have failed over and over and over again, and the beauty of failure is it has taught me more about success and being successful than I could have ever imagined. I am grateful for this perspective which has developed over time. Mental toughness is something I had to learn, master, and is something I still tap into. I have learned how to become more mentally tough through adverse situations and not getting what I want or thought I wanted. Learning how to look at a situation from an outside perspective when you are the one that is in the middle of it is difficult. Although, taking a deep breath and step back to look at the situation with clear eyes has taught me what is important in the situation and how to better attack it.
What one word do you think best describes yourself?
Passionate. When it comes to lacrosse, whether I am playing or coaching, I have an immense amount of passion. I want the best for my teams and hope to inspire my teammates and players through my play and coaching ability.
What is your favorite inspirational quotation?
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit," said Aristotle. We become what we practice. If we are investing ourselves in something, we need to do so to the best of our ability. Even if we don't know how to truly do a task at hand, we have to act how we want to be. So, if we want to be elite at anything, we need to practice excellence at all times.
Follow the U.S. women's national team as it competes for gold in the 2017 Federation of International Lacrosse Women's World Cup in Guildford, England, and the 2017 IWGA World Games in Wroclaw, Poland. This "Mission Log" will continue throughout both events with each player providing insight on their journey.