Forty-three years ago, this magazine debuted as the first feature publication devoted exclusively to lacrosse. The periodical was produced by the Lacrosse Foundation, which 20 years later was one of eight organizations that merged to form what was then US Lacrosse and is now USA Lacrosse.
These walls in Sparks, Maryland — and these pages in your hands — possess an institutional memory of the sport unlike anything you’ll find in the lacrosse world. There’s a new logo on the facade and a new masthead on the cover. But rebranding in some ways has resulted in us reinforcing who we are as a national governing body that unites the lacrosse community and as a magazine that since 1978 has inspired generations of lacrosse families to love this great game and leave it better for the next.
New Masthead
The USA Lacrosse horizontal wordmark is outlined by a thin stroke, opening up to accommodate the word “Magazine” and also to symbolize a welcoming and inclusive approach to growing the sport. Underneath are three stars representing three core attributes: trusted, inclusive and inspiring.
The Open
We’ve reconfigured the front of book to be more focused on you, our members — not only demonstrating how your investment helps us to grow the game but also celebrating your lacrosse journeys, even if you’ve just started.
Game Ready
According to a 2020 survey of our members, nearly 75 percent of you said you read the magazine “to become a better coach, parent, player and official.” We’re here to help you do that. This new section will feature tips and tricks, gear reviews, recruiting advice, health and fitness contents and the latest in lacrosse tech.
Free Play
The tag line says it all: “Just for the fun of it.” The heart and soul of our sport are the kids who play it for that purest purpose. We’ve revamped the back of the book to provide contents and activities tailored to youth and high school players — with everything from rookie reporters to comic book heroes.
Because we know you rely on us for the latest news, trends and information about the sport, we’re also redesigning our website and examining how to organize our digital ecosystem (including @USALacrosseMag on social media) in a way that provides maximum value to our members.
We grow together. Thank you for your support.
— Matt DaSilva, Editor in Chief
This article appears in the May/June edition of USA Lacrosse Magazine. Join our momentum.