Massachusetts: The Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association has pushed back the spring sports season, which is now scheduled to run April 26 through July 3.
Michigan: The Michigan High School Athletic Association has delayed the schedules for several fall sports, including some regional variations due to varying conditions, but the spring schedule is currently set to allow practices beginning March 15. Football will be moved to the spring, which could cause significant overlap with boys’ lacrosse.
Minnesota: The Minnesota State High School League moved football and volleyball from the fall to a condensed spring season, pushing back the start of traditional spring sports, including lacrosse, until May.
New Hampshire: The New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association has delayed the start of fall practices until Sept. 8. No announcement has been made on spring sports.
New Jersey: The New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association released a detailed calendar of dates for fall and winter sports with fall outdoor sports beginning practices on Sept. 14. The dates for spring sports will be announced at a later time.
New York: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Monday that lower-risk fall sports (cross country, field hockey, soccer swimming and tennis) can begin competition on Sept. 21, but all other fall sports are only permitted to practice at this point. The New York State Public High School Athletic Association is expected to announce its plans this week following the governor’s recent guidance.
North Carolina: Traditional fall sports have been moved to the winter and spring by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association, resulting in a major switch for lacrosse. Boys’ and girls’ lacrosse will now have their seasons run early from January 11 through March 12.
Ohio: The start of the fall sports season was delayed, but the Ohio High School Athletic Association got approval from Governor Mike DeWine last week allowing for “contact” sports in the fall (field hockey, football and soccer) to begin their seasons. No update for the spring has been announced.
Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association voted last week to allow fall sports to begin practicing on Monday. Games for most fall sports would start on Sept. 11, and presumably spring sports would start on time if things move as planned.
Rhode Island: The Rhode Island Interscholastic League delayed the start of fall sports about a month until Sept. 14. The start date for spring sports will be contingent upon whether or not some of the fall sports end up shifting their schedules to the spring.
South Carolina: Fall sports were delayed by the South Carolina High School League and seasons will be condensed. No updates have been released for spring sports, which include lacrosse practices scheduled to begin on Feb. 3.
Utah: The Utah High School Athletics Association began the fall season with no delays, so practices for boys’ and girls’ lacrosse are scheduled to start on time on March 1.
Vermont: The Vermont Principals Association announced that no 11-on-11 tackle football would be played this year. It will be replaced by a 7-on-7 touch football version. Also, volleyball matches must be played outdoors and all athletes from every sport must wear a mask while competing. Guidance on winter sports is expected on Oct. 15, so there’s still significant time to see how lacrosse might be impacted.
Virginia: The Virginia High School League delayed the start of all sports until mid-December, resulting in a condensed playing calendar. The lacrosse season will run from April 12 until June 26.
Please note that the information above is subject to frequent changes.