The helmets are born on the second floor, which features the new research and development wing. It’s covered with drills, drawings and model-making materials, looking like a cross between a scientist’s lab and a child’s playroom. The crown jewels are two 3-D printers.
A team of designers have tablets and computer-assisted drawing programs, but pencil and paper is the quickest sketching method, said Jesse Newman, senior developer for headgear. They consult with scientists and doctors, including ophthalmologists on what facemask colors dilate players’ eyes.
A large glass window on the first floor reveals Cascade’s in-house testing facility, which tests the compliance with safety standards. Two impact-testing rigs look like medieval guillotines, but head forms suspended in the air, waiting to be dropped onto a padded anvil below, stand in for the blades.
Each head is filled with a triaxial accelerometer and microchips to measure the force of impact. The helmets, sometimes heated or chilled beforehand, are dropped from heights of two, four and six feet in six different head positions. There’s even a modified, spring-loaded pitching machine that tests the impact of slashes.
Cascade’s ball cannon that tests how the helmet and headgear withstand shots used to look like a potato gun. Now, it more closely resembles a high-powered rifle, firing into a cage with another mounted head. A high-speed camera records the impact of the ball with the helmet. Each head form’s face is even painted white to see if the inside of the helmet touches the face.
The large drops test the effectiveness of Cascade’s Seven Technology liner system, which is a series of small cylindrical tubes that compress and bulge out laterally on impact to absorb high-energy hits. It took about four or five years from inception to production and went through more than 100 variations of the design that’s now inside its top model of helmets.
The two-foot drops test the Poron XRD, which is a soft material that makes direct contact with the head, providing comfort and absorbing low-energy impacts. Each men’s helmet has to withstand a 70-mph shot and a 60-inch drop.
“We could make an incredibly stiff helmet and it will score great in the lab, but it would be like wearing a brick on your head,” Moore said.