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This story appears in the April edition of US Lacrosse Magazine. Don't get the mag? Join or renew today. Thanks for your support!

Mom’s French toast and the great outdoors with Atlas LC midfielder.

What is your favorite hobby (other than lacrosse)?

I love to snowboard, hike, climb — anything in the mountains. Golf has to be on that list also. 

What’s one thing you can’t live without?

Being outside in nature. I need to be outside a few times a week, if not every day, on a trail with my dog or at a park. 

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

I’d love to learn how to fly a plane. My dad was a pilot in the Navy and I’ve always had interest in taking flying lessons. 

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I’d have to go with a big stack of my mom’s French toast. Always say yes when that offer is on the table. 

What’s on your bucket list?

I may have to wait until I’m done with lacrosse, but I’d like to base jump one day. I’ve gone skydiving a few times and I feel like running and jumping off a cliff would be an unreal experience. I might be all talk, though. We’ll see. 

What childish things do you still do as an adult?

I just got a new puppy so I’m realizing that 90 percent of the interactions I have with him, I sound like a child.

What movie scene always gives you goosebumps?

Any scene with Heath Ledger as the Joker.

What’s the last book you read?

“Big Sur,” by Jack Kerouac. Shared with me by my good friend Adam Ghitelman. 

Who is your favorite all-time teammate?

Dylan McGoldrick at Fairfield always had an amazing attitude and knew how to get the boys going whether it was on the field or at Townhouse 151. Slaps a mean bass also. 

Overtime (from @_lito_prescott on Instagram)

What’s your golf game like?

I love playing golf because it’s an independent sport that allows for a good change of pace from the team sport of lacrosse. Your progress is measurable and it’s always rewarding to see yourself getting better at something. Nothing wrong with having a couple sodas with the boys on the course, listening to music and enjoying some nice weather.  

Pose a question for our next subject. 

What’s your favorite place on Earth?