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Excerpts of this "Give & Go" interview with Duke women's lacrosse coach Kerstin Kimel appear in the February NCAA preview edition of US Lacrosse Magazine. Don't get the mag? Join US Lacrosse today to start your subscription.

What’s one thing that always puts you in a good mood?

Hosting and cooking a big dinner to share with family and friends while taking in a big Duke basketball or football game.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

Flip houses. I love watching HGTV and often find myself looking at different homes and trying to eyeball their potential. Maybe in my next life!

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A journalist.

What’s the biggest obstacle you’ve overcome?

Being diagnosed with breast cancer on the second day of preseason of 2015, then going on to have three surgeries and enduring chemotherapy while coaching that season.

What’s one thing lacrosse really needs?

I am a huge proponent of creating a “czar” for lacrosse (and each sport for that matter) within the NCAA infrastructure that we can more efficiently address the unique issues in our sport. Having just worked with the NCAA over the last year with the recruiting legislation, I found the most difficult thing was getting decision-makers to wrap their heads around the challenges in our sport.

What’s been the proudest moment of your career?

I have been fortunate to have many, but two things stand out clearly. First, without a doubt, our 2006 team having the courage to publicly stand up for our men’s team when they were being crucified by our community and in the media was one of my proudest moments. The other was when our 2008 team, who was riddled with injuries, lost five games in a row, and barely made the NCAA tournament, went on to upset everyone and make it to the final four.

If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

Pope Francis, and I would love to meet both President Bushes. They are a great American family. Both were courageous and honorable leaders, something that we are sorely lacking today.

Who is your role model?

My parents. Both were fantastic “sports parents.” When I tell people that our parents never pushed my siblings or me in sports, they can’t believe it because all three of us played a DI sport in college. They always kept athletics in their proper perspective and their No. 1 rule was that we weren’t allowed to quit anything that we started.

What’s your favorite sports movie?

Hands down, “Miracle.” I am old enough to remember that incredible win, and the movie is a great reminder that ordinary athletes can do extraordinary things when they believe in themselves and commit to playing as a team.


from Notre Dame midfielder Sergio Perkovic

If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?

A gazelle, because they can run really fast and jump high. I had a funky type of jump shot in college and our goalie my freshman year, Jess Wilk, used to call me “gazelle.”

Double Overtime

from Instagram user Tari Kandemiri (@OfficialLaxGirl)

What’s one life lesson you try to instill in your players?

To be courageous. I encourage them to take risks and explore themselves academically, athletically and personally. I try to assure our players that if they approach their lives as Duke student-athletes with courage, not only will they maximize their personal growth and the opportunities but they will be more than prepared for the rigors of the real world when they leave this place.  

Pose a question for our next subject.

What is your go to pre-game meal?


What is your favorite inspirational quotation?

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” — Aristotle

What’s one thing you can’t live without?

A good cup of hot regular coffee in the morning.

Who is your favorite athlete?

Former Duke men’s basketball & Miami Heat player Shane Battier. He was the ultimate student-athlete, team-first player and great leader for every team he has played for.

What are your pregame rituals?

I have to have an hour or so of quiet before a game. I usually close the door to my office, go over our game plan and scout and make notes to keep in my clipboard. I then make our line-ups and create whatever substitution rotation that we will have. Last, I will work on my pregame speech before heading down to meet the team in the locker room.

What’s on your bucket list?

I’d like to run a marathon and visit Italy and Greece.

What’s the most played song on your favorite playlist?

Anything by FloRida on my workout playlist and “A Pirate Looks at 40” by Jimmy Buffett on my mellow playlist. I think my taste in music is pretty eclectic and I would even argue “cool” for a 45-year-old, but my kids would probably disagree!

If you could marry a celebrity, who would it be?

Already married to one….Jack Kimel…haven’t you heard of him? He’s unforgettable :)

What is your favorite hobby?

Cooking! Being a head coach and mom of three doesn’t afford much time for hobbies, but cooking fits well with my lifestyle. I love watching cooking shows and subscribe to different websites where I am always in search of new, interesting and easy recipes to make during the school week.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

My go-to dinner at Blu Seafood in Durham  – a dozen oysters on the half shell, a good salad and their tuna tartare with avocado and miso.

Where did you go on your last vacation?

Wrightsville Beach, N.C. We own a small home there. We are steps from the beach and a block from the sound. I wish we could get there more often, but lacrosse and the crazy busy lives of our kids get in the way.

What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

I traveled to Prague with my then 9-year-old daughter Caroline for the 2009 World Cup. I also love white water rafting and I would argue that we have had some pretty epic rafting and camping experiences with our Duke lacrosse teams over the years!

It’s 2027 — Where are you and what are you doing?

I will hopefully still be here in Durham, maybe still coaching or maybe in athletic administration, if they will still have me. I will be trying to survive our youngest child, Claire, being in high school and enjoy driving around town in my Jeep!

"Give & Go" is a monthly feature in US Lacrosse Magazine in which we put the sport's biggest names on the hot seat. Submit your quirky questions on Instagram @USLacrosseMag.