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This article appears in the March edition of US Lacrosse Magazine, available exclusively to US Lacrosse members. Join or renew today! Thank you for your support.

Kerrigan Miller, the North Carolina midfielder and USA hopeful, can check this interview off her bucket list — one that is quite lengthy,

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A professional chef.

What animal best describes your style of play?

A pit bull: short and scrappy. I’ve recently been given the nickname, “Irish bulldog” by our team strength coach at UNC. It’s unfortunately a pretty accurate description. 

Who’s your favorite athlete?

Kobe Bryant. Kobe was far more than a pro athlete. He manifested his passions into actions that changed people’s lives.

What’s on your bucket list?

Ironically, being on this “Give and Go” series has been on my bucket list ever since I was in middle school. I’d skip through the magazine to read these features every month.

What childish things do you still do as an adult?

Whenever I go grocery shopping, I push off the floor and put both feet on my shopping cart so I can glide down the aisles. 

What website or app do you wish existed?

I wish no apps existed. 

Overtime (from Jarrod Neumann)

Who is your biggest competition?

I compete with myself in everything I do. I will say, though, an essential part of being your own biggest competition is knowing when to grant yourself some grace. I’m still working on this part. 

Double Overtime (from @avaplata_ on Instagram)

What’s your favorite quote that you live by?

“If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have, you’ll never have enough.”
— Oprah Winfrey

Pose a question for our next subject.

If you could change one rule in women’s lacrosse, what would it be?