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Like highly addictive crack and/or opioids, sports are increasingly dominating the decisions of athletes and their parents: how they choose to spend their money, where they choose to go to school. NFL owner Al Davis’s slogan, "Just win baby" has had an influence far beyond the locker room of the Oakland Raiders to the sideline of youth sports.

On this show, Fred speaks with Pete Bidstrup who served as the head lacrosse coach of Governors Academy, a noted prep school in the Metro Boston area, for more than 20 years. He left his position to launch an education and leadership startup. I asked him to come on the show help me do an intervention in my tribe. We need to talk how our addiction to our sport and the negative impact its having on our finances, relationships and institutions. And we need to talk about solutions. That’s what we talk about today on the Fred Opie show.

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