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This letter originally appeared on and is being republished with permission from the athletic department.

Dear Class of 2022,
One of my favorite songs is “Under Pressure” by David Bowie and Queen. This is a driving-into-work-game-day song for me. I love the idea that this is our chance to step up and do the right thing under pressure; when it really matters.
This is our perception ... we feel under pressure. Pressure that we won’t get recruited. Pressure that we won’t get better. Pressure that we won’t get to enjoy playing the sport that we love.
But our reality is that we have time. Time to breathe. Time to work on our individual game. Time to focus on getting our grades up to keep our options endless. 
So, a couple of thoughts:

  • We will wait for you. When you can retake the field, we will be there.

  • We will do our homework. We will watch film. We will make calls to see what kind of person and player you are. We will find out what kind of student you are.

  • You will have more time to do your homework. You can learn more about Denver and all the other schools out there. What majors and minors we have. Take a virtual tour.

  • September 1 will be the start of our personal correspondence. That may look different this fall. But whatever the NCAA decides, we will be excited to reach out and get to know you!

Girls, we are all in this boat together. We can choose to be angry that our motor is broken and the wind isn’t blowing, or we can get our paddles out and go to work. Take care of yourselves. Help your families out! Get outside and play! We will see you soon!
Pioneer Pride,
Liza, Brice and Britt