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Maddie Jenner

Give & Go: Tennis and Natasha Bedingfield with Duke's Maddie Jenner

March 10, 2023
Kenny DeJohn
Natalie Ledonne / Duke

This article appears in the March edition of USA Lacrosse Magazine. Join our momentum.

Tennis, pogo sticking and singing Natasha Bedingfield with Duke's draw maestro — and the new NCAA Division I draws record holder.

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

For most of my childhood, I wanted to be a vet. I’ve been around horses since I was little, so I wanted to be an equine vet.

What is your favorite hobby?

I love tennis. When my dad came down for fall ball games, we played tennis together on the courts in Durham. My dad isn’t very agile.

What’s one thing you can’t live without?

My family. I tell my mom about so many decisions. I really rely on my siblings.

What’s your favorite quote?

“You have to do what you don’t want to do in the moment to get what you want long-term.”

You have to sing karaoke. What are you singing?

That would be an awful time. “I Want You Back,” by the Jackson 5. It’s just a good tune. Or “Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield.

Breakfast, lunch or dinner?

Breakfast. Oatmeal with strawberries. That’s not that exciting.

Do you have a bucket list? What’s on it?

I’d love to go heli-skiing. I’ve never been, but all the photos and videos look amazing.

What’s your best study tip?

The biggest one is to not procrastinate. Work at it every day and don’t cram.

What’s your favorite TV show?

Grey’s Anatomy. It’s gotten bad the last few seasons. Once they killed off Derek Shepherd, my interest in it waned, for sure.

Do you have a hidden talent?

In middle school, I used to pogo stick a lot. It started in P.E., and then we bought one.

Overtime (from Kyle Harrison):

Who’s the best Marvel superhero?

Captain America.

Double Overtime (from @nataliee1375 on IG):

Do you push, pull or self-draw?

Self-draw. I feel like it’s the easiest and most assured way to get possession.

Pose a question for our next subject.

If you had to play football, which position would you play?