Three of the newest all-sport members in the Big 12 won’t have to go anywhere to find a home for their women’s lacrosse programs. Cincinnati moved its athletic program to the Big 12 this year and Arizona State and Colorado are coming next year.
On Thursday, the Big 12 announced that it will begin sponsoring beach volleyball and women’s lacrosse in the 2024-25 academic year. The women’s lacrosse league will feature the three full-member Big 12 programs and the league will look to add affiliate members.
“Beach volleyball and women’s lacrosse are both experiencing growth and popularity on a national level,” said Big 12 Commissioner Brett Yormark. “The additions will allow incoming and current members to compete for national championships under the Big 12 umbrella while expanding the league’s footprint across new sports.”
Cincinnati will play one final year in the American Athletic Conference in women’s lacrosse before making the move.
“This not only completes our entry into the Big 12 conference as a university, but it elevates our program in every way,” said Cincinnati head coach Gina Thomas. “Having one of the premier conferences adding the sport proves why lacrosse is one of the fastest-growing sports in the country. We are committed to growing the game and our team has big goals to compete on the national stage.”