Before the tournament, Peter Milliman spoke with D-Fly and Dixie about the scheduling considerations that he has to contend with when it comes to RPI (29:30 in the interview).
“It actually brings your RPI down to play a 15th game against a team that’s not in the top 30” was the quote that caught my ear. That’s the mechanical problem of having RPI as an actual selection criteria. You can win and have your RPI go down.
But just before, he made what is an equally important point: “If we can play a part in the expansion of lacrosse in any capacity ... I would love to continue to help that. I think there is actually one factor that hinders it a little bit, and that is that the RPI factors in every team on your schedule and not just your top competition."
To be clear, the problem I have with RPI is not that it considers all your opponents. I’m actually strongly in favor of this, which is why I don’t mind keeping RPI part of the process. The problem is that with the way RPI is used, who is on your schedule is too important relative to the actual results on the field.
It’s true to say that the committee doesn’t just go by RPI to award bids, but it’s clearly a big part of the decision-making process. And regardless of how it’s used by the committee, if its usage is forcing coaches to make these sorts of decisions when scheduling, it’s a problem. This is why, to reiterate my point above, it’s not about which teams get in, it’s about the negative effects of the process that we go through to get there.
But why do we need Strength of Record to solve this impasse? Why not just change the RPI formula to increase the weight of the win percentage factor? If strength of schedule is weighted too much, just increase the weight given to each team’s winning percentage (it is currently 25 percent of the total), and that would make actual results more important, right?
I think it’s clear what would happen in that scenario. Teams with tournament aspirations would be less likely to play each other in the non-conference. That would be disastrous. Strength of Record (SOR) is the way to square the circle here.
I can’t propose an SOR component to be added to the process without explaining what SOR is. The core principle is that you sum up the value of a team’s wins and subtract the value of their losses. The resulting number is their SOR, and you order teams based on this number. Higher SOR is better.
The “value” of a win or loss is based on the ranking of the opponent. In the simplest implementation, that would be RPI. That means that, using Division I men’s lacrosse as an example, you’d earn 76 points for beating the No. 1 RPI team. You’d earn one point for beating the last-place RPI team. If you lost to the No. 1 RPI team, you’d lose one point. If you lost to the last-place RPI team, you’d lose 76 points.
(If an RPI SOR criteria were to be added, it would probably need to be a bit more complicated than this, but this at least provides a basic understanding of what RPI SOR is. See the appendix for more discussion on this point and an example of how this plays out for Yale.)
Another way to present this is to lay out the core principles of an SOR metric that could work as a selection criterion:
No loss can improve your SOR. Any victory must improve your SOR. And the degree to which your resume is helped or hurt is based on how notable the result is.
No arbitrary cutoff points (i.e., the current large difference between beating the No. 20 team versus the No. 21 team)
The system should be designed so that the risks and rewards for scheduling any game are balanced (i.e., no scheduling strategy should be inherently better)
All things equal, a stronger schedule should still improve your tournament chances
If you’ve made it this far, you might be thinking, “Wait a second, isn’t this what we have tiers for?” And you’d be 100 percent right. There is a criterion in the current process that differentiates whether your wins are against good teams or not. We constantly hear about how this team has three top-10 RPI victories and this team has three, while this other team has zero, but they did go 5-0 against the 10-20 RPI teams.
Fundamentally, SOR uses tiers, but there is a single team in each tier. It differentiates between the value of a win over the No. 6 RPI team and the No. 10 RPI team. And it doesn’t have huge drop-offs when an opponent falls out of the top 10 or the top 20. Today, the value of a win over the No. 26 RPI team is effectively zero, while there is really no difference between beating No. 11 and No. 20. That doesn’t pass the metric “eye test.”
It also avoids the problem of trying to compare Team A’s record against the various tiers with Team B’s record against those same tiers. With no real rules about how to evaluate a 3-1 record against the top 10 against a 7-1 record against 21+, you end up with a result that is more of an “eye-of-the-beholder” outcome than something objective. RPI SOR gives you a single score, so the comparison is much easier. A higher SOR equals a more impressive resume.
Using RPI SOR as an official selection criterion essentially takes what we have today, removes the worst parts of it and makes the process more transparent. It’s not a radical change, it’s an evolution. If you are of the mindset that the selection process doesn’t really need an overhaul, but you are sympathetic to the concerns that Milliman and others have raised, then you should be for this proposal.
College hockey uses a fully formula-based process to select its tournament field. College basketball has already evolved past RPI with the NET system. It’s time for lacrosse to do the same, and I hope that I’ve at least made a start at laying out a viable alternative.
I think it should be the responsibility of the committee, the RAC and the coaches to set the rules of the RPI SOR system. How valuable should three top-30 RPI wins be relative to a top-5 RPI win? Do we care more about consistency or peak performances or avoiding bad losses? Is there a head-to-head flipping mechanism? (I am more than happy to help coordinate this process of calibrating the RPI SOR system.)
I also would love to have RPI SOR stress tested. I’ve done a good bit of this, but part of the motivation for writing this piece was to have others poke holes in the concept. I have created a simulator tool that allows you to play around with alternate scheduling strategies to try and game the system. If you can build a schedule that gets a team in when they don’t deserve it, then the system may have holes. (To try and beat the system, click a team logo, then go to the “Schedule” tab to build a schedule.)
You can also use it to simply get more familiar with how RPI SOR works. It shows the calculation for every team, game by game, so you can see how a team’s RPI SOR score is arrived at. (If you really want to go down a rabbit hole, you can even change the RPI weights and see how that changes things.)
There are many ways to design an SOR system that reflect the values and incentives we want to give the coaches who are building schedules. You can design a system to focus on the best wins and worst losses. It can more heavily weight a team’s peak performance and give more of a pass for an off day. If we can agree on what we want to incentivize, you can design an SOR system to reflect that.
This feels like a relatively low-risk proposal. What do we have to lose?
I’ll say this one more time so that you know I really mean it. Poke holes in this. Let’s debate it. Let me know what you think about SOR and whether it should be a part of the selection process. Show me how to use SOR to get an undeserving team into the NCAA field. DMs are open at @laxreference, or you can drop me a line by email here.