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US Lacrosse is happy to join in the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from Sept. 15-Oct. 15 and recognizes the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history and culture of the United States.

Across the country, Americans with Hispanic Heritage are picking up lacrosse sticks and falling in love with this game. For some, the connections made through lacrosse have brought them closer to their heritage, as more and more Hispanic countries adopt the game and participate in international competitions.

From youth players to those in the professional ranks, Hispanic Americans are a crucial part of the lacrosse community — and each person has a unique story to tell. In partnership with Lacrosse the Nations, we will highlight proud Hispanic Americans in the game of lacrosse and their family stories on our social media platforms.

We are grateful for you. We support you. You help make this sport special. Te estamos agradecidos. Te apoyamos. Ayudas a que este deporte sea especial.

Bianca Rojas

Heritage: Mexican
Location: Atlanta, Ga.
Title: Head Coach, Point University

What does your heritage mean to you?

If I’m being completely honest, my heritage was something I internally struggled with when I was younger, and even now with everything going on in the US, it can still be hard. But as I’ve gotten older, I am really proud to say I am Mexican. I look at the life I have and the opportunities I’ve been given to be successful and I owe it all to my grandpa and my parents. It makes me very proud to know that my grandparents and parents endured hardships and struggled to give my siblings, myself and cousins the opportunity to be successful. It means that we can be faced with any challenges and still overcome them. We are resilient.

What is your family's immigrant story?

My grandpa, Juan Valdez came to work in the U.S. at 17 years old in 1940. He came with a distant cousin in hopes of finding work to make enough money to support himself. He would leave Mexico and would work in Texas to make money and then go back to Mexico. In 1955 he became a Legal Permanent Resident and did not leave the U.S. He worked at Holsum Bread Company from 1955-1972. He then was a migrant farm worker and later became self employed as a Migrant Crew Leader. 

What role has lacrosse played in your life?

I truly believe lacrosse turned me into the woman I am today. I was able to meet so many amazing teammates and coaches because of lacrosse. All of these people have played an important role in shaping the woman I am today. Lacrosse has also given me the opportunity to travel to different states and different parts of the world. Now that I am coaching, I believe it has given me a platform to help influence other young girls. As a coach, you may be the only positive role model for players. I am very lucky to have grown up in an amazing family but that’s not the case for a lot of people. I tell my girls “I might be tough on you, but I love you a lot more.