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We surveyed the 2018 U.S. men’s national team on a variety of subjects. These were some the most popular answers.

The world championship is on the line and you've got 30 seconds to score. Who do you want with the ball in his stick?

Tom Schreiber. I dare you not to slide to him.


Which of your teammates do you respect the most?

Matt Danowski.

Who is the most underrated player on the team?

Steve DeNapoli. His heart will lead us where we need to go.

Which teammate would you want your daughter to marry?

Joe Fletcher.


Which teammate would you NEVER want your daughter to marry?

Kyle Hartzell. I couldn’t sleep at night knowing the kind of GIFs he would be sending her.

Who has the best jokes?

Jordan Wolf.


Who takes the longest to get ready on game day?

Greg Gurenlian. He’s got to make sure the entire pregame is on his Instagram story.

Who’s the one guy everyone wants to room with?

Ned Crotty. There is no way you won’t be entertained with stories. As Wolf knows, though, you will probably be late to breakfast a lot.

Who’s the one guy NO ONE wants to room with?

Greg Gurenlian, beast. I feel like he does some serious FO stuff in his bedroom late at night.


Who’s most likely to get the whole team in trouble?

Ned Crotty.

Who is the heart and soul of Team USA?

All of us together.