Here is another statement that gets thrown around a lot. It sounds great in theory, but up until this year, I don’t think I actually carried this out. How many times as coaches this season did we follow something up with, “At least we are out here getting to play the sport we love?”
I think the fact that we didn’t lose sight of how precious these opportunities are made this season even more enjoyable. We couldn’t help but be reminded every day of the uncertainty, whether it was COVID testing, false positives or contact tracing, we all had a sense of appreciation for the simple things more than we’ve probably ever had.
I hope we keep this going. I hope after experiencing a season like this, we don’t just celebrate the big moments but the small ones and even the medium, average moments because when we do, we create a sense of joy and appreciation that our students-athletes won’t ever forget and hopefully they carry that with them into life after college.
Another new thing for us this year is having to wait until June 1 to recruit. Like most of you, we usually hit the road right when the season ends to get to as many high school games as possible. It is a lot easier to just dive into the next thing than it is to wrap up a 10-month journey that ends in a loss (unless you are winning a national championship — good for you, you probably don’t even have to go to high school games!).
I can’t even describe how much I have learned by taking the time to meet with our student-athletes and HEAR their feedback and have the space (created by the opening in my schedule) to work on applying the feedback for next year. We have always just breezed past this “ending” portion without really giving ourselves room to grow.
I think, as college coaches, we put all this pressure on ourselves to be busy. There’s always an opportunity to get an edge on someone else who isn’t recruiting. We tell ourselves these things, but really those of us that take the time needed at the end of the season to rest, relax and reflect have had it right all along!
I may make my own “no recruiting until June 1” rule after this year because as we’ve all learned, we can’t grow without space.
Here’s to rolling into this next season of life better than we were before! See you all on the recruiting trail! Go Flames!