My journey has been long to get here because I fell into that line of thinking. I kept trying to be who I thought I was supposed to be and do, what I thought I should do based on ideas the world told me I should value. Now I’m thankful to be at a point in my life where I finally am doing what I want and know who I am, with much owed to people like Glennon, mentors in my life, friends and family who have encouraged me every step of the way.
To explain what my path and thought processes looked like through the years would leave you reading for hours. To keep it brief, the array of experiences included running programming for a lacrosse non-profit, working in public relations for a cybersecurity firm, earning certifications in strength and conditioning and nutrition, interning at performance training centers while also helping run a growing club program, volunteer coaching at Division I and III schools, running operations at lacrosse tournaments and running a business.
Although I didn’t know it at the time, all these experiences prepared me for the task at hand, exactly when I was supposed to be ready — at the age of 29. Not only that, it gives me gratitude every day to be where I am and to have the opportunity in front of me.
However, throughout that time it was hard, and the questions loomed if I was doing enough or the right things. I reminded myself of who I was, the person I wanted to be, and continued along the path to get here. Today, I think this is the best reminder I can share with you all, and it’s the same reminder that I hope to share with the student-athletes I coach. No one’s path is more or less valid or valuable than anyone else’s because the best path is YOUR path.
Stay the course and enjoy the ride!